

Pre-render pages at build time for maximum performance and avoid CPU usage on the server.

When using NuxtHub, you need to build your application with the nuxt build in order to keep your server when deploying your application.

However, you can also pre-render your pages at build time to improve performance and avoid CPU usage on the server.

This is possible thanks to Nuxt's Hybrid Rendering to allow different caching rules per route.

Route Rules


You can define route rules in your nuxt.config.ts to specify how each route should be rendered:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  routeRules: {
    '/': { prerender: true }

When running nuxt build, Nuxt will pre-render the / route and save the index.html file in the output directory.

When deploying with NuxtHub on Cloudflare Pages, it will serve the pre-rendered HTML file directly from the edge for maximum performance and avoid CPU usage on the server.

Page Level

It is also possible to define route rules at the page level using the defineRouteRules util in the page component:

<script setup lang="ts">
  prerender: true

  <h1>Hello world!</h1>

This is equivalent of our example above in the nuxt.config.ts file.


  • A rule defined in ~/pages/foo/bar.vue will be applied to /foo/bar requests.
  • A rule in ~/pages/foo/[id].vue will be applied to /foo/** requests.
As this is an experimental feature, you need to enable it in your nuxt.config.ts files with experimental: { inlineRouteRules: true }.

Dynamic Pre-rendering

In some cases, you may want to Nuxt to pre-render other pages when pre-rendering a specific page.

This is useful when pre-rendering all the blog posts when pre-rendering the blog index page. To achieve this, we can use the prerenderRoutes util in the page component:

<script setup lang="ts">
// Pre-render the /blog page
defineRouteRules({ prerender: true })

const { data: posts } = await useFetch('/api/posts')

// Tell Nuxt to pre-render all blog posts
prerenderRoutes( => `/blog/${post.slug}`))

It is important to tell Nuxt to pre-render the /blog using the defineRouteRules, we can also do it globally in the nuxt.config.ts file.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  routeRules: {
    // If not using `defineRouteRules` in the page component
    '/blog': { prerender: true }


If you are using authentication in your application such as nuxt-auth-utils, you need to remember that the authentication state will not be available during the pre-rendering process.

For example, if you have a header component that either display the logged in user or a login button, you need to wrap the logic inside <ClientOnly> component to avoid displaying the login button when the user is already logged in.

<script setup lang="ts">
const { loggedIn, user } = useUserSession()

const links = [
  { label: 'Docs', to: '/docs' },
  { label: 'Blog', to: '/blog' }

  <UHeader title="ACME" :links="links">
    <template #right>
        <UButton v-if="loggedIn" to="/profile">{{ }}</UButton>
        <UButton v-else to="/login">Login</UButton>
        <template #fallback>
          <!-- Display loading state -->
          <UButton :loading="true" />